There are a lot of things which can influence the way in which a pizza tastes. It could be the amount of flour used in the dough. It could be the specific type of tomato used in the sauce. Here, we want to talk about the one thing which could drastically change up the flavor of a pizza, even if the same ingredients are used. This is the oven. There are two main types on the market. You have electric and gas pizza ovens. Each with their own pros and cons. So, what is the difference between electric and gas pizza oven? That is what we are going to take a look at here.


If cost is your biggest concern when it comes to picking up a pizza oven, then you need to go down the route of gas. The fact that they have far fewer ‘moving’ parts will help to keep the price down. Dependent on where you live, you may also find that they are cheaper to run in comparison to electric speed oven like Merrychef.

That being said, a lot of the ‘cheaper’ gas ovens are being slowly phased out, mostly because many people are starting to go down the route of electric. This means that they are making fewer gas ovens, which could potentially push the price up in the future.


Gas pizza ovens are easier to maintain. There is very little that can go wrong with them. Electric pizza ovens have electrical circuitry inside and all sorts of small components. Hundreds, if not thousands, in fact. All it takes is one of these pieces to ‘blow’ and your pizza oven is suddenly out of action until it can be repaired. Gas ovens have just three components which can go wrong, and they very rarely do. They are not as sensitive as electronics.


Obviously, not every area is going to have access to a gas supply. This means that you will not be able to use a gas oven at all. There are some places where you will never be able to get a gas supply either e.g. on a boat. If you do have a gas supply, then it is very tricky to get everything wired up and working properly. You will need to call in an expert to do it.

On the other hand, you can use an electric pizza oven in most places. If you have the plug sockets on your wall already, then you will also be able to install the electric kitchen equipment without the help of a professional. It will take seconds.

Cooking Times

Study after study has shown that gas ovens are quicker when it comes to baking. Up to 30% quicker, in fact. This is great for a larger pizza restaurant that has to process a lot of pizzas and need to get them out quickly.

That being said, using a gas oven is going to be a lot more ‘hands on’. They do not cook quite as evenly as electric pizza ovens, and it will take an experienced cook to work out the best way to cook the pizza perfectly. It is very much going to be ‘trial and error’ until you get it right.

Electric ovens are more ‘put in the oven and forget about it’, which is likely going to be good in many, many cases. For example; they may be ideal for restaurants which are incredibly busy but have fewer staff working there.

Cooking Style

This is where the flavor of the pizza is impacted.

Electric pizza ovens produce dry heat. Gas pizza ovens create ‘condensation’.

For the most part, this won’t make that much of a difference. However, if you are a fan of loading your pizza up with a lot of toppings, using a gas oven may make the pizza feel a bit ‘soggier’ when it comes out. The electric oven is going to crisp it up a little bit more. Although, of course, some people do prefer their pizza to be ‘soggier’ when cooked and less crispy, and thus gas may be the best option for them. See your best options among the best catering equipment suppliers in Sydney.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing between an electric and gas pizza oven. If you want something fast and cheap to operate, then opting for gas is the way to go. If you prefer something that is going to give an even cook and very ‘hands off’ in the way it operates, then opt for an electric pizza oven.