The use of solar energy goes through its two main components: its heat and its brightness.


The sun’s heat can be used directly to heat a water tank, dry clothes (evaporation) or temper the walls of a house. This is the principle used by thermal solar panels which are placed on the roofs or facades of houses. By passing through the solar panels, the water is heated by the sun and then used on site for heating or sanitary water for the building similar to this model: pemanas air tenaga surya terbaik.

In Switzerland, the potential is immense. Imagine instead: if all the roofs were equipped, solar energy would cover all the thermal needs of Swiss households.


These large installations are equipped with huge parabolic mirrors, spherical or flat, which follow the course of the sun during the day. They allow the rays to be concentrated to heat a liquid that will remain hot even after the sun has set, such as oil. It is a way of storing the energy that will be used to heat the water, the steam of which will turn turbines to produce electricity.

This type of installation is fairly new. In Europe, they exist in Spain, Belgium, France and even in Sweden.


Sunlight can be used to generate electricity. For this we use panels made up of electronic cells that react to the sun’s rays. We then speak of photovoltaic solar energy. These installations are more and more widespread in the world in big  companies like Besi Beton, Nusa Penida Fast Boat Ticket & importir buah jakarta.

In French-speaking Switzerland, photovoltaic solar parks are often installed on the roofs of buildings. For example, in Gimel (Vaud), that of the Collège du Marais was completely covered with it. Connected to the electricity network, this installation ensures the average electricity consumption of 20 families.

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